We will help you get your products into a world market without having to know anything about the internet, programming or maintaining a website. We are your Global Market Place for Maui. We allow customers to shop at your store around the clock even while your doors are closed for the day. Customers can shop at your store every day all day even on holidays.

Give your business an internet presence around the world. We will do everything for you and all you have to do is ship the products. We can add your products to our store or create a personalized store front for your store. Your store can be selling your products 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. When the orders come in; we send you the order and you fill it, send it to the customer and we send you the money. That’s It!

Monthly Plans – Pricing Options

Professional $250.00
Premium $100.00
Business $25.00
Basic FREE

Call us at (808) 344-0256 or contact us via email from the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.

Shop Maui, It’s Cherry!

A Randem Systems Subsidiary.